Friday, July 29, 2011


Hey, Adubbers!
I'm just watching "Who's Line Is It Anyway?"
You've never heard of it? Well it's on channel 35 at midnight-one in the morning on week days. It's so awesome! It's hilarious and I highly recommend you to watch it! :)

So tomorrow (well basically today because it's pass midnight) I'm going to my dad's house in Nassau for the night :D I can't wait.
I entered a contest to win 4 tickets and V.I.P. tickets to an Allstar Weekend concert in NYC (New York City) and I had both of my sisters, my home phone and my cell phone, and my best friend, Amanda enter for me :)
Amanda and her parents would be the ones who take me. It's perfect that I might be getting 4 tickets. I don't want to get to stoked because I probably won't win. I just think it's worth a try to enter. :) Wish me luck!
Stay Updated!
Megan G <3

Random thingss

Hey Adubbers! So I heard Justin Bieber crashed the first tour with Selena Gomez and the Scene with Allstar Weekend. I think he was jealous about him not being on the tour instead... The meet and greets got canceled because of Justin Bieber! Zach Porter was yelling at the security guards because he was so upset. Day 1 turned out the be upsetting. But Zach wrote on Twitter that he didn't mean to scare anyone, he was just really upset and that everything is good now. It's sweet that he would almost get in a fight because he can't meet their fans. But, after they got in the bus, they went out in the parking lot to meet their fans :) ! I love Allstar Weekend! Adubber forever!
Stay Updated!
Megan G <3

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tech geek, scrapbooking, and pics

Okay, so I'm on Facebook, Twitter, Formspring, YouTube, and my blog (obviously) WOW! I'm such a tech geek! But, that's okay! Hehe.

I also got a scrapbook today from Walmart. It's all dedicated to Allstar Weekend. I already did the Cameron page. I have to get my sister to print out some pictures of all the boys together and them all individually :)
Hope you like these pictures! It's their photo shoot on the beach <3 I love the one where Zach kisses Michael and the one with Michael looking awkward because Zach kissed him. I print screened  these pictures from a video. If you want to see the video, go to YouTube then look up Fun with Allstar Weekend on the beach. It should be by Popstar Magazine and there should be two parts to it. I'm not sure if that's the exact title but it's something like that.



Monday, July 25, 2011


Heyyy, everyone!
What's up? Haha. I'm just chillin watching Pawn Stars with my sister and at mid night I'm gonna watch Who's Line Is It Anyway?
I love that show. Not as much as I love A-Dub though <3 Hehe. So if you have a Facebook, 'like' my fan page for Allstar Weekend! Here's the link : Please 'like' it on Facebook. Thanks!
Stay Updated!
Megan G <3

Monday, July 18, 2011

NO Zameron!

I just think Zameron is wrong! Everyone knows Zameron is not true... it's just awkward. I was on my Formspring and I was reading some of the responses on Cameron Michael Quiseng's wall and smoeone asked him if he reads the Zameron fan fictions.. His words are, "I can't bring myslef to read them... they're just awkward."
See guys? They don't like it so don't make it look like they're gay when they're really not.
Stay Updated!
Megan G <3

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG! Nathan is alright! There are some pictures of him at the Padres (if I spelled that wrong, I'm sorry) game last night! YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. We love you Nathan!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chapter 5

I started writing chapter 5 of my book, "A Journey Through Our Lives" earlier. I'm taking a break right now but I definitely will finish it tonight.
So stoked for Saturday! Great Escape! Woo!
I'll probably be going to my friends BBQ on Sunday :) I'm about to listen to some music <3
Stay Updated
Megan G <3


Hey! I haven't blogged in FOREVER! I started writing my new book called "A Journey Through Our Lives" 
It's not on the computer, it's in a notebook and I'm writing it by hand. I'm so stoked because in just 2 DAYS I'm going to the Great Escape! I'm so stoked!
Stay Updated!
Megan G <3
P.S. You like my writing at the top of this blog? Haha.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So it's 11 PM in Schenectady and I'm so bored! Right now I'm just listening to music. I was watching USTREAM with a live A-Dub concert and it was amazing but without Nathan there something just felt weird.. but at least they have Brent to replace him for now. I was at my friends house today and we had an awesome time! We made a super funny video that you can check out on my Facebook (Megan Marie Griesemer) it's of me beating up my ex boyfriend who is also my friends scarecrow! HAHA. It's hilarious and I was so tired it mad me feel super duper hyper! Lol.
Pray for Nathan!
Stay Updated!
Megan G <3

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I woke up surprisingly early today... I never get up this early. It's seven in the morning :P. You probably could never guess what I'm doing... OH WAIT I know you can because I'm listening to music (mainly A-Dub) I'm writing another book but this time I'm actually writing it in a notebook and I'm going to type it up when I'm done which will NOT be for a while. I love writing so much and I think this is going to be a good book. Maybe even better than the last one. :D
I love Allstar Weekend!
Stay Updated
Megan G <3