Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Listening to their CD once again.
I started my awesome project in Music class and I'm starting my Spanish one soon! I love Allstar Weekend. Just in case you didn't see the other post I made, the projects are... In Spanish class I'm doing a Spanish story about them and in music class I'm doing a PowerPoint about them!!! I'm so happy! Except I have a lot of testing in school and so I need to study which takes time away from listening to Allstar Weekend, blogging about them, and going on FB (Facebook) to go on their fan pages that I like. Oh! And I think I'm gonna win the contest on FB! It's where you need to make a photo that promotes the fan page and the 2 people who get the most likes on their photo get a photo album of Allstar Weekend and two frames with pictures, one of Zach Porter, and one with all of the members! There are only 2 people with photos so far I think... lol and that includes me so even if I got less likes (which I didn't :P) I would probably still win! I'm so stoked! ILY Allstar Weekend!
Stay Updated!
Megan G <3

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